We are all "HeadHunters" indeed and I will tell you why :

Imagine, you are a few hundred thousand people to share the terrestrial globe with you and you have to face all the time, at night and day, a thousand dangers and a thousand worries like, incidentally, the need to eat. So you crisscross this land more often hostile than beneficial in search of a place where you will find bays and legumes, meats or fish, so as to stay alive. A place if possible devoid of dangerous animals and whose environmental conditions are the most conducive to your well-being. Not easy, really not easy, especially when suddenly another human group violently means that you are unwanted because they have found this corner of "paradise" before you and that they do not want to have it at all to share with you. It is there, at this precise moment, that you become fierce, eager to win your place at ... Paradis! It is a question of life or death and that is why, and whatever we say, the reason for our presence to all on this earth today.

Everywhere, in Europe, in Asia, to the Americas and even in the southern lands our ancestors were headhunters. It was when we were nice and especially because we had not discovered firearms, cannons, missiles and atomic bomb. Today we only cut heads on rare occasions because we have much better. Our ancestors had apologies, not us. So accept this inheritance with full knowledge of the facts to better fight our demons. Ignorance in this area annihilates any awareness. Head hunters, recently converted into tourist hunters, are no longer scarecrows and we have taken their place.

Being a kid, I dreamed of going to other planets and conquering the whole universe. I was young and naive and now I know what was wrong in this jubilant desire: the word "conquer". Because behind this word hides the atavism of the cut-off. We are obviously not close to going to see elsewhere without causing other more and more enormous damage. So let's start by looking in front: we are all head hunters !
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